List of AKB48 SKE48 NMB48 JKT48 HKT48 Birthday

This is 48's tanjobi :3


  • Devi Kinal Putri (January 2, 1996) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Ayaka Umeda (梅田 彩佳) (January 3, 1989) =>  Team K (AKB48)
  • Ayana Shinozaki (篠崎彩奈) (January 8, 1996)=> Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Miyu Takeuchi (竹内 美宥) (January 12, 1996) => Team 4 (AKB48 )
  • Ami Kobayashi (小林 亜実) (January 12, 1993) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Jessica Vania Widjaja (January 22, 1996) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Yūka Nakanishi (中西 優香) (January 24, 1989) => Team S (SKE48)
  • Neneng Rosediana (January 24, 1999) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Chihiro Anai (穴井 千尋) (January 27, 1996 ) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Misaki Iwasa (岩佐 美咲) (January 30, 1995) => Team A (AKB48)
  • Nene Watanabe (渡邊寧々) (January 30, 1998)=> Team KKS (AKB48)


  • Reina Fujie (藤江 れいな) (February 1, 1994) => Team K (AKB48)
  • Haruka Nakagawa (仲川 遥香) (February 10, 1992) => Team A (AKB4)
  • Yuria Kizaki (木﨑 ゆりあ) (February 11, 1996) => Team S (SKE48)
  • Miori Ichikawa (市川 美織) (February 12, 1994) => Team 4 (AKB48)
  • Kawaei Rina (川栄李奈) (February 12, 1995) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Mizuki Kuwabara (桑原 みずき) (February 16, 1992) => Team S (SKE48)
  • Shinobu Mogi (茂木忍) (February 16, 1997)=> Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Shihori Suzuki (鈴木 紫帆里) (February 17, 1994) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Rina Kondo (近藤 里奈 ) (February 23, 1997) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Kobayashi Marina (小林茉里奈) (February 24, 1996) => Team KKS (AKB48)


  • Frieska Anastasia Laksani (March 4, 1996) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Mina Imada (今田 美奈) (March 5, 1997) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Tano Yuka (田野優花) (March 7, 1997) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Kojima Natsuki (小嶋菜月) (March 8, 1995) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Jurina Matsui (松井 珠理奈) (March 8, 1997) => Team S (SKE48)
  • Rumi Katō (加藤 るみ) (March 9, 1995) => Team S (SKE48)
  • Mariya Nagao (永尾 まりや) (March 10, 1994) => Team 4 (AKB48)
  • Siti Gayatri (March 11, 1993) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Mariko Shinoda (篠田 麻里子) (March 11, 1986) => Team A (AKB48)
  • Yukari Yamashita (山下 ゆかり) (March 12, 1996) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Aki Deguchi (出口 陽) (March 14, 1988) => Team S (SKE48)
  • Airi Taniguchi (谷口 愛理) (March 14, 1999) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Kei Jonishi (上西 恵) (March 18, 1995) => 1st Gen Team N (NMB48)
  • Beby Chaesara Anadila (March 18, 1998) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Sakura Miyawaki (宮脇 咲良) (March 19, 1998) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Ayano Umeta (梅田綾乃) (March 20, 1999) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Ayaka Nakanishi (仲西 彩佳) (March 23, 1996) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Melody Nurramdhani Laksani (March 24, 1992) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Aina Fukumoto (福本 愛菜) (March 25, 1993) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Mayu Watanabe (渡辺 麻友) (March 26, 1994) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Shimazaki Haruka (島崎春香) (March 30, 1994) => Team 4 (AKB48)


  • Aya Shibata (柴田 阿弥) (April 1, 1993) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Yuki Shimono (下野 由貴) (April 2, 1998) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Mina Ōba (大場 美奈) (April 3, 1992) => Team 4 (AKB48)
  • Nana Yamada (山田 菜々) (April 3, 1992) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Saeed-Yokota Erena (サイード横田絵玲奈) (April 5, 1997) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Minami Takahashi (高橋 みなみ) (April 8, 1991) => Team A (AKB48)
  • Mayu Ogasawara (小笠原 茉由) (April 11, 1994) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Gabriela Margareth Warouw (April 11, 1998) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Sakura Moriyama (森山さくら) (April 14, 1998) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Serina Kumazawa (熊沢 世莉奈) (April 17, 1997) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Haruna Kojima (小嶋 陽菜) (April 19, 1988) => Team A (AKB48)
  • Misato Nonaka (野中 美郷) (April 20, 1991) => Team K (AKB48)
  • Tomoka Wakabayashi (若林 倫香) (April 23, 1996) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Rina Chikano (近野 莉菜) (April 23, 1993) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Kaoru Mitsumune (光宗薫) (April 26, 1993) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Haruka Mano (間野 春香) (April 27, 1995) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Tomoko Katō (加藤 智子) (April 28, 1987) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Mariya Suzuki (鈴木 まりや) (April 29, 1991) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Seira Satō (佐藤 聖羅) (April 30, 1992 ) => Team KII (SKE48)


  • Yasushi Akimoto (May 2, 1956) => Producer
  • Rena Nozawa (May 6, 1998) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Manatsu Mukaida (向田 茉夏) (May 10, 1996) > Team KII (SKE48)
  • Haruka Katayama (片山 陽加) (May 10, 1990) => Team A (AKB48)
  • Chiyori Nakanishi (中西 智代梨) (May 12, 1995) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Iwata Karen (岩田華怜) (May 13, 1998) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Kana Kobayashi (小林 香菜) (May 17, 1991) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Sonya Pandarwaman (May 18, 1996) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Yuko Sugamoto (菅本 裕子) (May 20, 1994) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Yurina Takashima (高島祐利奈) (May 24, 1997) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Anna Ishida (石田 安奈) (May 27, 1996) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Risako Gotō (後藤 理沙子) (May 29, 1997) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Cindy Gulla (May 29, 1997) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Ghaida Farisya (May 29, 1995) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
Graduated :

Natsumi Hirajima (平嶋 夏海) (May 28, 1992) => Team B (AKB48) 


  • Ami Maeda (前田 亜美) (June 1, 1995) => Team A (AKB48)
  • Ayana Shahab (June 3,1997) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Saki Kitazawa (北澤早紀) (June 5, 1997) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Miki Yakata (矢方 美紀) (June 6, 1992) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Natori Wakana (名取稚菜) (June 7, 1995) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Haruna Kinoshita (木下 春奈) (June 9, 1998) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Shiori Kaneko (金子 栞) (June 13, 1995) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Kumi Yagami (矢神 久美) (June 13, 1994) => Team S (SKE48)
  • Yuiri Murayama (村山彩希) (June 15, 1997) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Tomomi Nakatsuka (中塚 智実) (June 18, 1993) => Team K (AKB48)
  • Shiori Matsuda (松田 栞) (June 18, 1995) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Natsumi Matsubara (松原 夏海) (June 19, 1990) => Team A (AKB48)
  • Allisa Astri (June 23, 1990) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Mieko Satō (佐藤 実絵子) (June 24, 1986) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Rie Kitahara (北原 里英) (June 24, 1991) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Shania Juniantha (June 27,1998) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Kasumi Ueno (上野 圭澄) (June 29, 1994) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Maika Amemiya (雨宮舞夏) (June 29, 1997) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Ayaka Kikuchi (菊地 あやか) (June 30, 1993) => Team K (AKB48)
Graduated : 

Rumi Yonezawa (米沢 瑠美) (June 6, 1991) => Team K (AKB48)


  • Natsuki Satō (佐藤 夏希) (July 1, 1990) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Haruna Hasegawa (長谷川晴奈) (July 1, 1997) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Ririna Akaeda (赤枝 里々奈) (July 3, 1996) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Tomomi Itano (板野 友美) (July 3, 1991) => Team K (AKB48)
  • Yūka Nakamura (中村 優花) (July 4, 1997) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Maiko Fukagawa (深川 舞子) (July 5, 1999) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Katou Rena (加藤玲奈) (July 10, 997) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Sayaka Yamamoto (山本 彩) (July 14, 1993) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Yuki Kashiwagi (柏木 由紀) (July 15, 1991) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Hirata Rina (平田梨奈) (July 16, 1998) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Riho Abiru (阿比留 李帆) (July 17, 1993) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Madoka Umemoto (梅本 まどか) (July 17, 1992) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Kyoka Abe (安陪 恭加) (July 17, 1997) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Shiori Takada (高田 志織) (July 19, 1990) > Team S (SKE48)
  • Mika Komori (小森 美果) (July 19, 1994) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Moeno Nitō (仁藤 萌乃) (July 22, 1992) => Team K (AKB48)
  • Shiori Nakamata (仲俣 汐里) (July 25, 1992) => Team 4 (AKB48)
  • Sayaka Akimoto (秋元 才加) (July 26, 1988) => Team K (AKB48)
  • Madoka Moriyasu (森保 まどか) (July 26, 1997) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Rena Matsui (松井 玲奈) (July 27, 1991) => Team S (SKE48)
  • Fahira (July 27, 1998) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Reika Yamada (山田 澪花) (July 28, 1995) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Anna Murashige (村重 杏奈) (July 29, 1998) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Miho Miyazaki (宮崎 美穂) (July 30, 1993) => Team B (AKB48)
    Graduated :

    Atsuko Maeda (前田 敦子) (July 10, 1991) => Team A (AKB48)


  • Yuka Masuda (増田 有華) (August 3, 1991) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Rikako Hirata (平田 瑠香子) (August 7, 1989) => Team S (SKE48)
  • Kyōka Isohara (磯原 杏華) (August 8, 1996) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Natsumi Matsuoka (松岡 菜摘) (August 8, 1996) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Natsumi Tanaka (田中 菜津美) (August 10, 2000) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Kanon Kimoto (木本 花音) (August 11, 1997) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Nao Ueki (植木 南央) (August 12, 1997) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Sendy Ariani (August 12, 1993) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Sae Miyazawa (宮澤 佐江) (August 13, 1990) => Team K (AKB48)
  • Akari Yoshida (吉田 朱里) (August 16, 1996) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Jessica Veranda Hardja (August 19, 1993) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Rica Leyona (August 19, 1991) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Yumana Takagi (高木 由麻奈) (August 23, 1993) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Riho Kotani (小谷 里歩) (August 24, 1994) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Allisa Galliomova (August 28, 1993) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Sasaki Yukari (佐々木優佳里) (August 28, 1995) => Team KKS (AKB48)


  • Rina Matsumoto (松本 梨奈) (September 3, 1993) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Sayaka Eto (江藤 彩也香) (September 9, 1997) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Diasta Priswarini (September 9, 1991) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Asuka Kuramochi (倉持 明日香) (September. 11, 1989) => Team A (AKB48)
  • Sawako Hata (秦 佐和子) (September 14, 1988) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Shiori Ogiso (小木曽 汐莉) (September 15, 1992) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Haruka Kodama (兒玉 遥) (September 19, 1996) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Miyuki Watanabe (渡辺 美優紀) (September 19, 1993) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Kanna Shinohara (篠原 栞那) (September 22, 1997) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Haruka Wakatabe (若田部 遥) (September 26, 1998) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
Graduated :

Mai Ōshima (大島 麻衣) (September 11, 1987 ) => Team A (AKB48)


  • Aki Takajō (高城 亜樹?) (October 3, 1991) => Team A (AKB48)
  • Takahashi Juri (高橋朱里) (October 3, 1997) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Chisato Nakata (中田 ちさと) (October 8, 1990) => Team A (AKB48)
  • Miru Shiroma (白間 美瑠) (October 14, 1997) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Sayaka Nakaya (仲谷 明香) (October 15, 1991) => Team A (AKB48)
  • Amina Satō (佐藤 亜美菜) (October 16, 1990) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Yuuki Yamaguchi (山口 夕輝) (October 17, 1993) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Yūko Ōshima (大島 優子) (October 17, 1988) => Team K (AKB48)
  • Kanako Kadowaki (門脇 佳奈子) (October 24, 1996) => Team N (NMB48)
  • Delima Rizky (October 25, 1997) => 1st gen (JKT48)
  • Akari Suda (須田 亜香?) (October 31, 1991) => Team S (SKE48)
Graduated : 

Kayo Noro (野呂 佳代) (October 28, 1983) => Team K (AKB48) => SDN48

Kazumi Urano (浦野 一美) (October 23, 1985) => Team B (AKB48) => SDN48


  • Stella Cornelia (November 3, 1994) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Masana Ōya (大矢 真那) (November 6, 1990) => Team S (SKE48)
  • Ayaka Okada (岡田彩花) (November 6, 1998) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Rika Tsuzuki (都築 里佳) (November 8, 1995) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia (November 11, 1999) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Kanako Hiramatsu (平松 可奈子) (November 14, 1991) => Team S (SKE48)
  • Tomonobu Togasaki (戸賀崎智信) (November 15, 1973) => Akihabara48 Theater Manager
  • Minami Minegishi (峯岸 みなみ) (November 15, 1992) => Team K (AKB48)
  • Tomomi Kasai (河西 智美) (November 16, 1991) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Sumire Satō (佐藤 すみれ) (November 20, 1993) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Rino Sashihara (指原 莉乃) (November 21, 1992) => Team A (AKB48)
  • Rezky Wiranti Dhike (November 22, 1995) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Haruka Ono (小野 晴香) (November 24, 1987) => Team S (SKE48)
  • Akane Takayanagi (高柳 明音) (November 29, 1991) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Maria Abe (阿部 マリア) (November 29, 1995) => Team 4 (AKB48)
Graduated : 

Yukari Satō (佐藤 由加理) (November 22, 1988) => Team A (AKB48) => SDN48

Manami Oku (奥 真奈美) (November 22, 1995 ) => Team B (AKB48)

Erena Ono (小野 恵令奈) (November 26, 1993) => Team K ( AKB48)


  • Shiori Kita (北汐莉) (December 1, 1998) => Team KKS (AKB48)
  • Miku Tanabe (田名部 生来) (December 2, 1992) => Team K (AKB48)
  • Yui Komori (古森 結衣, Yui (ゆい)) (December 2, 1997) => 1st Gen (HKT48)
  • Haruka Ishida (石田 晴香) (December 2, 1993) => Team B (AKB48)
  • Anna Iriyama (入山 杏奈) (December 3, 1995) => Team 4 (AKB48)
  • Aika Ōta (多田 愛佳) (December 8, 1994) => Team A (AKB48)
  • Suzuran Yamauchi (山内 鈴蘭) (December 8, 1994) => Team 4 (AKB48)
  • Yui Yokoyama (横山 由依) (December 8, 1992) => Team K (AKB48)
  • Sakiko Matsui (松井 咲子) (December 10, 1990) => Team K (AKB48)
  • Airi Furukawa (古川 愛李) (December 13, 1989) => Team KII (SKE48)
  • Mei Sakai (酒井 萌衣) (December 13, 1997) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Haruka Shimada (島田 晴香) (December 16, 1992) => Team 4 (AKB48)
  • Mariko Nakamura (中村 麻里子) (December 16, 1993) => Team 4 (AKB48)
  • Sonia Natalia (December 17, 1997) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Yukiko Kinoshita (木下 有希子) (December 20, 1993) => Team S (SKE48)
  • Cleopatra (December 20, 1993) => 1st Gen (JKT48)
  • Minami Hara (原 望奈美) (December 24, 1995) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Erika Yamada (山田 恵里伽) (December 26, 1995) => Team E (SKE48)
  • Mayumi Uchida (内田 眞由美) (December 27, 1993) => Team K (AKB48)
  • Shizuka Ōya (大家 志津香) (December 28, 1991) => Team A (AKB48)

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